Tag Archives: astrology

The Teachings of the Moon ♡ Full Moon in Cancer 12.28.12


This is the last full moon of 2012 (what many Native Americans called the Long Nights Moon) and how suiting it is that the moon dwells in Cancer tonight, its home constellation. Whenever a planet is in its ruling sign’s constellation (for example, the Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Mars in Aries, etc.) I think of it like a double-dose of that celestial partnership’s energy permeating the entire cosmos, Earth included. So tonight, as the Moon enters it’s comfort zone of Cancer, we can tap into that divine, intuitive, feminine energy of the Moon in all her glory.

Teachings of Mama Luna.
The moon rules the home, security, intimacy, and emotion. One’s moon sign is often overshadowed by the more popular sun sign,  however acknowledging where the moon was at the moment of one’s birth provides insight into his or her more internal, personal, and private side. I once read that one’s moon sign is the “self” that only his/her truest, closest friends and confidants ever truly know. Yet, these hidden aspects of ourselves are often the force behind so many of our actions and decisions. The moon appears in the dark as a reflection of the light of the sun. Sometimes only a sliver shows, other times not at all.  The moon teaches us humility and reflectiveness, a quiet yet magnanimous force of change and transformation. The moon is ever-changing and exerts a powerful influence over all aspects of life on Earth, as it shifts from new to full in just 28 days, traveling quickly through the zodiacal belt. Women’s natural rhythms are intrinsically aligned with the moon’s waxing and waning energy, along with the tides of all the bodies of water on Mother Earth. Deeply linked to romance, mystery, intuition, and magic, La Luna is representative of the inner soul and life that lies beneath the surface. Each month, the Full Moon embodies the concept of fruition; it is a time for beaming all of our energy and innermost desires throughout the universe in hopes of achieving wholeness ourselves. This Full Moon in Cancer carries a notably reflective, emotional, and feminine energy with it. Known sometimes as the Moon Maiden or Lady of the Night, many cultures associate the moon with the feminine:

The moon, when she was first created, was a glistening jewel. She did not merely reflect light, but rather transformed it and brought out its inner beauty, much as a precious stone glistens with a secret, hidden light all its own. In her own way, the moon was greater than the sun — for the sun only shines from its surface, whereas the moon shone from its inner essence. The sun holds the light that extends outward, whereas the moon holds the light of being. (Kabbalistic reflection on the moon from chabad.org)

…Their Grandmother, Sky Woman, now came to the end of her life. When she died, the Twins fought over her body and pulled it apart, throwing her head into the sky. As part of the Sky World, there her head remained to shine upon the world as Grandmother Moon. (Iriquois Creation Story)

This full moon is an auspicious time to honor the feminine energy within all living things. Each creation contains both male and female energy, and the moon truly exemplifies the power of the feminine that brings transformation and nurturing to the world. Reflect upon the powerful female energy in your life and honor it in your own way tonight. Do you give enough attention to your moon sign? Do you express your inner desires and needs often enough? Are you in touch with the part of you that is intuitive, feeling, and sacred?

Herbal Rituals for the Full Cancer Moon

moonstone ring by Sky at Etsy

☽ Aromatherapy with jasmine and sandalwood. Use essential oils in a bath or in an infuser or simply burn a piece of sandalwood and smudge your space with it. The scents of these fine flowers and trees evoke passions and permeate a positive energy throughout the home. Cancer rules the home, so it’s a great time to tend to your home’s beauty and harmony. Rearranging furniture can often move around negative or stuck energy and bring a new feeling to the space.

☽ Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris is named for its connection to the moon goddess Artemis, protector of the forests. Drinking a tea of mugwort, lavender, hops, and skullcap before sleep is a magical way to induce a dreamy sleep and some say it helps the dreamer recall and understand the deep meanings of dreams. You can make an herb-infused oil with mugwort and massage onto your lower belly, chest, and anywhere where there is tightness or knots. The mugwort helps to resolve deep emotional pain and releases cramping. Tonight is especially special to ally with this moon herb because of the placement of the moon in Cancer!

☽ Moonstone is a luminescent, mystical, and mysterious stone that seems to magically shift colors and hues before your eyes. It looks much like the moon, pearly, glowing, and mesmerizing. Much akin to its ruling planet, this stone is protective for women and gets us in tune with our feelings. Wearing or gazing at the stone can help us to have hope and embrace new beginnings through ancient wisdom.

Blessing. May this full moon, the last of the year, bring you security, protection, and connection to the inherent wise woman/man within you. May your journey to know and love your truest and highest self be filled with love, peace, and deep meaning. Your connections with all earth-kind be from a place of love and respect. As you gaze upon the full moon, listen to the whisper of your heart and the cosmic heart telling you to trust yourself on your journey.

For information about a personalized astrology based herbal consultation by Gem, contact me or visit my etsy shop listing or website at  www.gembotanicals.com

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Cosmic Ritual: Full Moon in Gemini + Lunar Eclipse Tonight

my gemini full moon ritual with sage smudge, a gemini herbal amulet, my journal, and a gemini herbal tincture

As the moon passes through the constellation of Gemini with the sun in Sagittarius, and a partial lunar eclipse, a unique cosmic doorway is opened to us for healing, reflecting, and bringing big cosmic energy into our lives, be it with herbal medicine, gem/stone healing, meditation, or any other pathway you choose. On Wednesday November 28 at 9:46AM Eastern Time there will be a full moon and lunar eclipse. this full moon is called the beaver or frost moon.

Being a Gemini myself, perhaps my affinity with this full moon is strongest of the year. Each full moon is full of powerful energy that effects us on a deep, emotional, and powerful level, as the moon rules emotions, moods, and security. The full moon illuminates certain patterns and tendencies and helps us improve and reevaluate our current ways of living. I think of the full moons as times of intense reflection and also gratitude-giving. Rather than a time for beginning new projects like the New Moon, the full moon is more of a time of fruition and culmination. Some say it is an ideal time for ritual, magic, and imbuing creations with the big energy that is present during the full moon. But you don’t have to be a green witch to do a full moon ritual…

Speech, Communication, Connection.
In the gemini full moon, we are given a chance to reflect and work on communication and social interactions. Ruled by mercury, gemini is strongly associated with the power of speech. The infamous magical incantation “abra cadabra” actually originates in Biblical Hebrew, from the words “abareh,” meaning “I create” and “k’dibre” meaning “as I speak.” Whenever we speak, we are creating realities that have real effects on the world. This full moon is a good time to refine speech and communication and use it for positive creation. Writing in a journal and/or sharing feelings, dreams, and other inner emotions can be healing and help release negative energies during this time. Journaling is a powerful healing tool that can help bring subconscious needs, desires, or feelings to the surface. What makes this moon more special is the lunar eclipse, a time of great connection and oneness with the Earth, with our natures, and with other people. It seems a very good time to actively and wholeheartedly improve and appreciate connections and relationships, with earth, nature, ourselves, and others mainly through speech and communication.

image via our disenchanted souls

Rituals for relaxation and nervous system healing
In medical astrology, Gemini rules the nervous system, arms and hands, and the lungs. Deep breathing and aromatherapy, such as lavender oil are helpful to relax and center. The process of breathing itself is a metaphor for healing, taking in what’s good and letting go of what is unnecessary or harmful. Other ways to clear negative energy are with Sage smudging, ringing bells, and drinking warm herbal teas with lavender, skullcap, vervain, or any relaxing herbs you enjoy. Herbs that are associated with the sign of gemini include: mullein, peppermint, vervain, skullcap, lavender, oats, and parsley. You can make an herbal amulet or talisman with these or other herbs that carry the energy of gemini or its ruling planet, mercury. Another way to work with herbal energetics is by burning herbs for the purposes of cleansing or releasing energies.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anaïs Nin
Gemini is an air sign that is known for change, adaptability, and adventurousness. Now’s the time to tap into this energy and make space for the new. Ridding your mind/heart/life of judgement, negative thoughts, harmful patterns, hurtful people, worries, doubts, anger, grudges, and fears/insecurities is the first step and we are blessed with a wide open door for those changes tonight. It might seem overwhelming or even scary, but that apprehension is a sign of change and growth. After that, a sense of clarity is sure to come. You can then welcome new, positive people, thoughts, and ways of living in with joy and excitement, in true gemini fashion.

For more herbal astrology and full moon teachings, check out my upcoming newsletter The Starry Eyed Herbalist. The First Issue will be printed and mailed in December 2012. Visit me on Facebook. Sign up for my free newsletter. xoxo Gem

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The Herbs of Libra, the Scales that Bring Balance

Libra’s are one of my favorite signs of the zodiac. In my experience, they are Creative, Wise, Peaceful, Charming, Witty, and FUN people. Being the scales, they have an inherent ability to see both sides of a given situation and make balanced decisions this way. It is always a gift to befriend a Libra, and they usually have many good friends because they are such good company. They are of the AIR element group, along with Gemini and Aquarius, and this allows for their free-spirited and usually laid-back way of walking this earth. As we enter into the Autumn, the time of Libra, this time of high energy and change in the winds, we honor the Libra’s and give thanks for their many gifts…

libra by hello baby via days in my wonderland

Libra rules the KIDNEYS, which by no coincidence are ultimately the organs which provide the water BALANCE in our bodies. Healthy kidney function is vital to maintain proper acid/alkaline balance in the body. Hence, potential health concerns for Libra’s revolve around kidney dysfunction. Fortunately, Mother Nature bestowed many herbs that benefit the kidney and bladder directly. While these are the herbs of Libra, any of us can be afflicted with Libra-type kidney imbalances, and these herbs will benefit any person in need of restoring balance to the body:

Violet: this sweet little purple-flowered plant, also known as hearts-ease, is a soothing treatment for the kidneys and can aid headaches and dizziness. The Greeks used it regularly in love potions because it was considered a symbol of love and fertility. It can be used as a tea (leaves) and the flowers can be eaten raw in salads, deserts, or jellies.

violet syrup via life’s a lasagna

Thyme: An overall healing herb that is “excellent for healing headaches and giddiness arriving from nervous kidneys,” according to Ada Muir. Thyme is the courage-giving mint. Thyme contains powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties that fight off coughs, colds, and gum disease. Drink it as a tea and/or use it in the kitchen to add taste to any dish.

Pennyroyal: Another mint, this herb is soothing and warming. It has traditionally been used for painful menstruation, stomach aches, colds/fevers/chills, and as an insect repellant. Can be used topically in olive oil as a rub for the stomach or drank as a tea sparingly. **Pregnant women should NOT use this herb as it is an abortifacient.**

Feverfew: Known also as Flirtwort (Libra’s are sometimes referred to as the flirts of the zodiac) it’s gained its notoriety as a headache healing herb throughout the world. Ada Muir states that it strengthens and cleanses the kidneys. It is also used for colic, toothache, and vertigo. Take as a tincture to relieve migraine headaches.

Burdock Root: Also called Love-Leaves and Happy Major, this root is a revered kidney and liver tonic herb. Its high antioxidant count aids the liver in detoxification, and also helps the kidneys maintain proper hormonal balance. These actions positively effect the whole body; a flowing, happy digestive system, radiant, clear skin, and healthy, balanced reproductive organs. Take as a tea by boiling the root in water over a low flame for 15-20 minutes.

♥ Blessings for a balanced, peaceful, and lovely Autumn ♥

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the simple secrets of the zodiac…that will change your future

ahh yes…I see love in your future…image via polar bear’s tale

Astrology isn’t just for fortune tellers. Knowing a few things about the sun signs of the people around you and yourself can give you great insight into how you can optimize your communication and understanding of each other. The zodiac has suffered a bad reputation in our day due to bogus horoscopes and the expectation that astrology is a form of gratuitous fortune-telling. And though it might sound like nonsense to you, I guarantee if you take these basic ideas into consideration you will find yourself more at peace with those around you — and yourself.

Here is the first secret: The 12 zodiac signs are divided by the 4 elements- earth, air, fire, water. That means each element has 3 sun signs that are associated with it. Generally these groups of signs share common traits, particularly in their approaches to relationships, emotions, achieving goals, and understanding the world around them.

Earth signs are: virgo, taurus, capricorn. Generally, they are more physical, practical, sensual, materially-oriented. They are very present in their bodies, and enjoy sensual, worldly experiences. They might seem lazy or materialistic, but their rootedness makes them among the most loyal people around. Being comfortable and feeling secure is important to them.

Air signs: gemini, libra, aquarius. They are people of mental perceptions, thought, communication, abstract ideas. Anything too concerned with the mundane or physical will probably bore them, while lofty ideas and thoughtful discussion are the way to their hearts. They might seem elusive and flighty, but their ability to change with the wind makes them ever-interesting. Feeling free and being given a lot of space is vital to them.

Fire signs: leo, sagittarius, aries. You know one when you see one, they are hard to miss! Outgoing, action-oriented, impulsive, fiery. These signs are passionate, outspoken, and love to be heard and admired. They might seem pompous, but their confidence is what drives them and ultimately makes them so popular. They thrive on feedback and attention and feeling loved and appreciated.

Water signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces. These are the most sensitive, feeling, empathetic, and healing people. They are nurturing, maternal, and protective of loved ones. Their feelings run deep and are genuine. Water signs can be intuitive and their sensitivity to others might be interpreted as brooding or jealous, but their caring natures make them powerful peacemakers. For these signs, it is important that they feel unthreatened by any external forces, and that things are under control.

Now, of course these are very general descriptions and each of us is completely individual and dynamic and impossible to sum up in a few sentences. With the right amount of wisdom and tact we can each get a tiny but revealing glimpse into ourselves and others based on the zodiac. It’s fun and you learn a lot about yourself when you become aware of these concepts.

I’d love to hear what you think!

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Beloved Trend: Zodiac + Sun Signs in Fashion

Finally, the zodiac is going noticed in fashion, makeup, jewelry, and the like. Each time I spy a sun-sign inspired piece, I am reminded of when I was 17 years old, making tee shirts with iron-on zodiac decals that I ordered on e-Bay. In fact, I own a substantial collection of zodiac jewelry, including a gold Gemini bracelet from Free People and a 1970’s wooden block with a pair of “love is…” comic strip twins painted on it. Nowadays, I’ve noticed a rising trend in zodiac paraphernalia. I think there is something very appealing about showing off your sign– it’s a chance to express your individuality and give people a tiny glimpse into what’s underneath the clothing. I love how M.A.C. Cosmetics has used the zodiac as inspiration for 12 color palettes, tailored to each sign, which you can find on this fun Facebook app, and how Free People has tapped into the sun-sign energy to create an interactive e-catalog based on travel and the zodiac. Here are some of my favorite manifestations of this new starry trend. (please follow the links below the images to visit shops.)

“I learned, in short, that love is not a condition of the spirit but a sign of the zodiac.”
— Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez (Memories of My Melancholy Whores)

this post was written while listening to: Jane’s Addiction – Ocean Size/Mountain Song/Up the Beach/Then She Did/Summertime Rolls/I would For You/Slow Divers/Jane Says

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