Tag Archives: starsky + cox

the simple secrets of the zodiac…that will change your future

ahh yes…I see love in your future…image via polar bear’s tale

Astrology isn’t just for fortune tellers. Knowing a few things about the sun signs of the people around you and yourself can give you great insight into how you can optimize your communication and understanding of each other. The zodiac has suffered a bad reputation in our day due to bogus horoscopes and the expectation that astrology is a form of gratuitous fortune-telling. And though it might sound like nonsense to you, I guarantee if you take these basic ideas into consideration you will find yourself more at peace with those around you — and yourself.

Here is the first secret: The 12 zodiac signs are divided by the 4 elements- earth, air, fire, water. That means each element has 3 sun signs that are associated with it. Generally these groups of signs share common traits, particularly in their approaches to relationships, emotions, achieving goals, and understanding the world around them.

Earth signs are: virgo, taurus, capricorn. Generally, they are more physical, practical, sensual, materially-oriented. They are very present in their bodies, and enjoy sensual, worldly experiences. They might seem lazy or materialistic, but their rootedness makes them among the most loyal people around. Being comfortable and feeling secure is important to them.

Air signs: gemini, libra, aquarius. They are people of mental perceptions, thought, communication, abstract ideas. Anything too concerned with the mundane or physical will probably bore them, while lofty ideas and thoughtful discussion are the way to their hearts. They might seem elusive and flighty, but their ability to change with the wind makes them ever-interesting. Feeling free and being given a lot of space is vital to them.

Fire signs: leo, sagittarius, aries. You know one when you see one, they are hard to miss! Outgoing, action-oriented, impulsive, fiery. These signs are passionate, outspoken, and love to be heard and admired. They might seem pompous, but their confidence is what drives them and ultimately makes them so popular. They thrive on feedback and attention and feeling loved and appreciated.

Water signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces. These are the most sensitive, feeling, empathetic, and healing people. They are nurturing, maternal, and protective of loved ones. Their feelings run deep and are genuine. Water signs can be intuitive and their sensitivity to others might be interpreted as brooding or jealous, but their caring natures make them powerful peacemakers. For these signs, it is important that they feel unthreatened by any external forces, and that things are under control.

Now, of course these are very general descriptions and each of us is completely individual and dynamic and impossible to sum up in a few sentences. With the right amount of wisdom and tact we can each get a tiny but revealing glimpse into ourselves and others based on the zodiac. It’s fun and you learn a lot about yourself when you become aware of these concepts.

I’d love to hear what you think!

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Beloved Trend: Zodiac + Sun Signs in Fashion

Finally, the zodiac is going noticed in fashion, makeup, jewelry, and the like. Each time I spy a sun-sign inspired piece, I am reminded of when I was 17 years old, making tee shirts with iron-on zodiac decals that I ordered on e-Bay. In fact, I own a substantial collection of zodiac jewelry, including a gold Gemini bracelet from Free People and a 1970’s wooden block with a pair of “love is…” comic strip twins painted on it. Nowadays, I’ve noticed a rising trend in zodiac paraphernalia. I think there is something very appealing about showing off your sign– it’s a chance to express your individuality and give people a tiny glimpse into what’s underneath the clothing. I love how M.A.C. Cosmetics has used the zodiac as inspiration for 12 color palettes, tailored to each sign, which you can find on this fun Facebook app, and how Free People has tapped into the sun-sign energy to create an interactive e-catalog based on travel and the zodiac. Here are some of my favorite manifestations of this new starry trend. (please follow the links below the images to visit shops.)

“I learned, in short, that love is not a condition of the spirit but a sign of the zodiac.”
— Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez (Memories of My Melancholy Whores)

this post was written while listening to: Jane’s Addiction – Ocean Size/Mountain Song/Up the Beach/Then She Did/Summertime Rolls/I would For You/Slow Divers/Jane Says

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