Tag Archives: virgo

Cosmos in Chaos: Understanding the Virgo Full Moon through the teachings of Carl Jung

Jung’s Red Book was kept secret until 2011. It is a book of drawings and writings in which Jung let his imagination run free.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. Carl Jung

Tonight’s full moon in Virgo is a blending of the mysterious, mystical, illuminating moon and the sixth sign of the zodiac — the virgin, ruler of the house of health. When we look at the separate parts, it’s easier to understand what such a blending of energies means and appreciate its meaning and teachings. One of the most enriching parts of learning astrology is honoring and learning from each full and new moon, with respect to the zodiac sign in which it takes place.

As I reflect on tonight’s full moon position in Virgo, I cannot help but think of one of the most interesting, intriguing, and revolutionary spirits of our times and his life work: the psychiatrist and mystic, Carl Gustav Jung. Jung’s teachings and thoughts were a true blending of mystical and scientific/analytic approaches, like the Lunar and Virgoan energies manifesting tonight. The moon is a symbol of the psyche, the subconscious, the inner workings, the spiritual, mystical, mysterious, rhythmic, instinctive, intuitive aspects of ourselves and our world. Virgo is not a planet, but a sign of the zodiac, whose energies are associated with service, analysis, logic, practicality, details, and some sort of order (though it may manifest quite chaotically!) As an earth sign, Virgo is also physically oriented, and likes bringing things down to earth. Virgo rules the 6th house, the house of health.* If there were a figure whose works and gifts to the world embodied tonight’s full moon energy, I feel it would be Jung.

While he was a bonafide psychiatrist amongst the ranks of Sigmund Freud, Jung was also heavily spiritually oriented and delved into such “occult” arts such as astrology, divination, the I ching, palmistry, and alchemy, for starters. I often like to visit the Carl Jung library in New York, where the extent of Jung’s eclecticism is displayed amongst shelves of rare books. The colorful spectrum of his studies and interests awes me. I honor the courage and the wisdom he had in bridging two sectors (mystical/spiritual/intuitive vs. scientific/analytic/concrete) that many people would rather keep very separate, particularly during his lifetime.

The beauty in Jung’s work that has always spoken to me is how he blurred the lines between science and art. Between spirit and body. Between heaven and earth. He urged all people to find and connect to a collective spirit (he called the collective unconscious), but also to be completely individual and “in” their self. His theory of synchronicity, in which the tiniest details of life such as a beetle flying into a window at a specific moment, could carry the deepest and most immense meaning for someone. Messages from the Universe in tiny, almost unnoticeable packages. Jung’s many theories about time, dreams, personality, collective unconscious, and his integration of ancient, forgotten wisdoms and esoteric teachings from virtually every religion and spiritual practice of mankind infuses his psychological repertoire with a magical, fantastic aura that defies any conventional boundaries between the arts and the sciences. When I first discovered Jung’s works, I couldn’t help but think, “wait, this man is really a psychologist?” I always find answers AND form endless new questions when I read Jung’s writings.

“We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling. Therefore, the judgment of the intellect is, at best, only the half of truth, and must, if it be honest, also come to an understanding of its inadequacy.”
— C.G. Jung

“Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.”
— C.G. Jung

Jung was in fact a Leo with his moon in Taurus and his rising in Aquarius (though some argue Capricorn, his exact birth time is not agreed upon.) However, his work was definitely akin to tonight’s full moon in Virgo energy. So, tonight, I honor the contributions of Jung to the fields of psychiatry and to the fields of astrology, dream interpretation, and most likely the millions of other arts and sciences where his ability to integrate what seems to be “opposites”, but really is all part of one greater whole, made a difference. I encourage you to explore his works, but also your own inner workings. I honor the part inside of each of us that is eternally connected to the greater whole, to each other, to the stars and planets, yet very much on this earth, in this body, with these challenges and these gifts, and these very seconds, moments, hours, days… to live and to learn.

Some ideas for full moon rituals:

Wormood (Artemisia absinthium)  is one of my favorite herbs, my grandma used to give it to me whenever my stomach bothered me. It’s an herb of Virgo. image via botanical.com

Write out a *detailed* health overview for yourself including your current wellness level, what your daily patterns or health choices this past month were, including food, exercise, spiritual/emotional wellness choices, and any other important influencing factors. Be as objective as possible, so that you can analyze these choices to find patterns and areas that can be more balanced in the future.

Infuse tinctures or oils that are brewing with the strong lunar energy, especially made powerful through Virgo tonight, the ruler of the sixth house of health. I am putting out my tincture jars with feathers, stones, shells, under the moonlight to soak up that healing energy!

If you experience any dis-ease in the intestines or stomach area, this is a good time for healing that part of you. Try a tea with virgo herbs such as fennel or wormwood for the stomach, or meditate with the focus on the solar plexus chakra.

Without thinking too much or filtering your thoughts, make a list of all the small things you enjoy and appreciate in life at this very moment. the more detailed and “minor” the better. I once wrote a long list of the simple details about a place I lived in before I moved away, including such minor details as the way the curtains blew so slowly and gently with the breeze at a certain time of evening on certain days of summer. Whenever I reread this list, it reminds me of being back in that place and it’s wonderful. Capture the scents, the colors, the textures, sounds, the shadows, the movements, as if it were a painting. This is a very special activity and a way to time travel.

May this full moon be a time of fruition, a time of connection, a time in which the details of your life are illuminated and bring you a sense of wholeness, of oneness with all.

love, gem

*This is another connection I note between Jung and tonight’s moon, as he contributed much to the field of mental health.

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Herbs of the Zodiac: Virgo, the Virgins of the sun signs

The Sun transits Virgo from August 23-September 22 each year. Image via Astropoetica

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellectual stimulation, communication, memory, short trips, wisdom, and intuition, Virgo’s are quick thinkers and possess exquisite memories. Many are skilled artisans as they have an unmatched eye for details. Since Virgo rules the stomach and lower intestines, those born under this sign may tend to suffer from nervous stomachaches. In addition, they may suffer from headaches due to their extreme attention to detail and their gift of memory that often stress out Virgo’s.  Fortunately, there are many herbs that can help Virgo’s calm their bellies and slow down their ever-working minds:

Fennel. Excellent herb for digestive troubles including constipation, indigestion, heartburn, and overactive appetite. Fennel was traditionally used to ease fasting. Being very gentle, it can be given to babies to help ease colic. Fennel is best taken as a tea made from the seeds.
Valerian. A supremely calming herb for the nervous system. It treats nervous exhaustion and emotional outbursts. It is a sedative herb, but it simultaneously perks you up and fights fatigue, its name is from the Latin “powerful.” Valerian root must be infused and not boiled, and taken in small doses (1 teaspoon dried root per cup of water.) 5% of people experience dizziness from this herb, so be mindful when using.
Southernwood. Also known as Artemisia, wormwood, and lad’s love, this herb is an aphrodisiac and believed to be a love potion in olden days. It is useful for Virgo’s who suffer from gastritis, bloating, loss of appetite, and intestinal worms (hence the name wormwood.) It is a lovely herb and a common one in country gardens for these uses.
Dill. This well known culinary herb has powerful medicinal traits that Virgo’s should tap into. It is a cooling, aromatic herb that cleanses the digestive tract, aids indigestion, and soothes stomach ulcers. Like fennel, it is gentle and helps balance the stomach and ease any pains or discomfort gently but powerfully.
Skullcap. Also an herb of fellow-mercury-ruled Gemini, this herb is ideal for quieting a busy mind. It strengthens the solar plexus, the body’s seat of fear, which helps Virgo overcome unchecked fears of inferiority or failure. It is a member of the mint family, and is helpful in treating restlessness, insomnia, stress, headaches, and general nervous debility. Combines well with lemon balm and chamomile as a nightly nerve soothing tea.

Based on the books Healing Herbs of the Zodiac by Ada Muir and Herbal Wisdom by Roni Jay. 

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Beloved Trend: Zodiac + Sun Signs in Fashion

Finally, the zodiac is going noticed in fashion, makeup, jewelry, and the like. Each time I spy a sun-sign inspired piece, I am reminded of when I was 17 years old, making tee shirts with iron-on zodiac decals that I ordered on e-Bay. In fact, I own a substantial collection of zodiac jewelry, including a gold Gemini bracelet from Free People and a 1970’s wooden block with a pair of “love is…” comic strip twins painted on it. Nowadays, I’ve noticed a rising trend in zodiac paraphernalia. I think there is something very appealing about showing off your sign– it’s a chance to express your individuality and give people a tiny glimpse into what’s underneath the clothing. I love how M.A.C. Cosmetics has used the zodiac as inspiration for 12 color palettes, tailored to each sign, which you can find on this fun Facebook app, and how Free People has tapped into the sun-sign energy to create an interactive e-catalog based on travel and the zodiac. Here are some of my favorite manifestations of this new starry trend. (please follow the links below the images to visit shops.)

“I learned, in short, that love is not a condition of the spirit but a sign of the zodiac.”
— Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez (Memories of My Melancholy Whores)

this post was written while listening to: Jane’s Addiction – Ocean Size/Mountain Song/Up the Beach/Then She Did/Summertime Rolls/I would For You/Slow Divers/Jane Says

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